This is the official website of Sparsholt Parish Council Winchester, Hampshire.



With many houses changing hands, applications are received to enhance and alter properties in the village.

The Parish Council has a responsibility to review all applications and comment on their suitability using the District Plan, The Sparsholt Village Design Statement and the Sparsholt Conservation Area Management Document.


The District Plan

The Local Plan Part 1, adoped by Winchester City Council on 20 March 2013 is the long term strategic plan for development within Winchester District, and includes the strategic vision, objectives and the key policies needed to achieve sustainable development in Winchester District to 2031. It identifies the amount of development, broad locations for change, growth and protection, including allocating strategic sites

Local Plan Part 1

Following its successful Examination in Public and the incorporation of modifications, the Winchester District Local Plan Part 2 – Development Management and Site Allocations (LPP2) was adopted by the Council on 5 April 2017.

LPP2 allocates land to help deliver the development strategy for new housing, economic growth and diversification set out in Local Plan Part 1 and will guide future planning decisions in Winchester District (excluding that part of Winchester District with the South Downs National Park).

Local Plan Part 2

The plan shows the settlement boundary ("building envelope") area for Sparsholt as below together with protected open areas and conservation areas. 

WCC Policies Map - Map 22 Sparsholt


 The Sparsholt Village Design Statement

This is about the character and qualities of the village of Sparsholt. It sets out guidelines which all developments, building works in the village need to follow to conserve and enhance these character and qualities and to esnure that what is done is in keeping with its surroundings. Its sets out guidlines on such things as roof lines, size of new buildings, street signs and furniture and trees and hedges. The Statement is a Supplmentary Planning Document which supplements the Local Plan and forms part of the Local Development Framework for Winchester District. The guidelines must be taken into account when planning applications are considered. 

 Village Design Statement

 A printed copy can be obtained from the parish clerk


 The Sparsholt Conservation Area

A map showing the boundaries of the Conservation Area can be found in the Village Design Statement.

More information can be found on Winchester City Council's webpages

Conservation Areas


In addition, the Parish Council has a role to ensure that any activities that do not have the necessary planning consents are reported to the Winchester City Council Enforcement team


Planning Applications

See current planning applications for Sparsholt on the Winchester City Council website


Winchester City Council Planning


Select Current for Status and enter Sparsholt as the Keyword.